Project ⚙ Veritas
Forsworn ⚙ Automaton
ㅤㅤwake now, little truthseeker.ㅤㅤ
ㅤintroduction :ㅤ A machina that walks like us, talks like us, pretends to breathe like us. Through veins of black runs hubris, and an ever-growing need for something more than what he was made for. Something less, perhaps.
⚙ Dossier

name / alias : ㅤVeritas
age :ㅤ n/a
pronouns :ㅤ he/it
species :ㅤautomaton (advanced mammet)
sexuality :ㅤn/a
origin :ㅤold sharlayan
location :ㅤwherever his captain so happens to land their airship.
mbti :ㅤintj-a.
alignment :ㅤlawful neutral (?)
An automaton put to rest two dozen years ago, he's laid in storage, never to go picked up. Within the ruins of what was meant to be a new beginning for him and his master both, he's been rediscovered and repurposed as an airship crewmate and resident brainiac — a commitment made in exchange for the hope of one day having those sails set the course for home.Until then, he's adamant about continuing his work as a chronicler of the world; a bookkeep tasked with recording the world and its history as it unfolds. A forever standbyer, meant to observe any joy or atrocity with borderline apathy. Such is his purpose, his reason for being.and yet... It's not quite fulfilling. Not in the way that it should be. No, even when alone with a pen in his hand, his chest remains hollow. Whatever is lacking gnaws at his core.
trivia |
For being a bookkeeper, Veritas finds very little joy in reading fiction. He does, however, seem convinced he could feasibly pick up the basics of any skill, should he be given a day to read up on it. |
Drugs have little to no effect on his body, much to his disappointment. The same cannot be said for anything affecting the aether that sustains him. |
Sometimes his joints jam, limiting mobility until he sees them fixed. |
Despite going largely blindfolded, he appears to have no issue taking stock of his environment. |
When in deep concentration, he may forget to breathe or blink for minutes at a time. |
Veritas is many things, but artistic is not one of them. |
Although he may come off as coarse and miss the point of certain interactions, Veritas has thoughts, feelings and opinions of his own similar to any other spoken. He is machinery; but machinery with his own sense of morals. |
Practically made to be writing, Veritas has excellent penmanship and is typically able to keep up with pinpoint transcribing in real time. |
⚙ themes
What makes man ⚙ machine morality ⚙ purpose lost & found ⚙ the price of hubris ⚙ the meaning of identity ⚙ thawing over time
⚙ statistics

height :ㅤ6 ft, 183 cm.
weight :ㅤabout 2-3 hyur's worth.
eyes :ㅤcanary yellow.
hair :ㅤivory.
scars :ㅤnone.
notable features : black veins have broken out like sickly ivy across his chest and joints, his fingers something rotted despite the elegance with which they move. the unsettling glow to his eyes usually goes covered.
languages :ㅤeorzean common, hingan.
voiceclaim :ㅤvoiceclaim.
playlist : little truthseeker
moodboard :ㅤvibes & memes
likes |
Orange juice |
Nice clothing |
Personal gifts |
Puzzle-solving |
Attentive listeners |
The smell of saltwater |
anything that rubs his ego |
dislikes |
Overt cruelty |
The overdramatic |
Loud, sharp noises |
Disorganized spaces |
Provocation for the sake of it |
People who shrug and say "I don't know" |
Strangers trying hard to bend him out of shape |
♱ ability 001
Veritas can repeat recorded sounds and voices, a function which exists in the interest of documentation.While a feature he rarely mentions, it's sometimes used for recitation (or to mock people with their own quotes).
♱ ability 002
A mammet is in little need of senses, and so they have gone dulled.Extreme temperatures go largely unnoticed; as shown by him oftentimes under- or overdressing.And although he can't feel physical pain, touch still remains a comfort.
♱ ability 003
Veritas technically doesn't need to eat, breathe or sleep — but does so anyway. Partially as it is part of his humanoid design, and partially as it helps restore and conserve aether; which is what sustains him.this also means that once his aether reservoire runs dry, he becomes close to non-functioning.
♱ ability 004
While lacking any traditional weaponry, Veritas makes use of thick metal wires that shoot out from his wrists. Excellent for the sake of ensnarement, incapacitation, or environmental manipulation, they often lack lethal intentions. That said, any particularly stubborn foe might see themselves tazed.Although sturdy in make, these wires are very much susceptible to going cut off by any heavier blade. It's also worth noting that just as much as you are stuck with him, he is stuck with you. With some creativity, one might use it against him.
⚙ contact
commissioned blorbo by @pwintwai21
Hi there, I'm Mey!
I'm currently troggling through my mid-twenties (as well as 6.2 of Endwalker), and have been RPing for about 10~ years through various mediums. I like keyboard smashes to express excitement, ginger cats, and emotional suffering in the media that I consume.
Veritas is an exploration of a manmade machine who doesn't aspire to be human, but thinks himself better than one. While a theory that may very well go encouraged or disproven, my intent for his story is to have him go humbled through time. The identity and competence he so highly values, go questioned. But in his current state, he's a bit of a prick. Please don't take it personally, nor as any reflection of my personal thoughts or opinions. You know the drill, my character ain't me and all that.
I'm always down to explore potential new and interesting connections, and so please don't hesitate to reach out to me! I really value enthusiasm in my RP partners, and love geeking out about storylines and character relationships. It is worth noting, however, that I'm currently quite selective in what interactions I take on for this lil' glorified mammet. Read on to see what I'm all about as a roleplayer, and subsequently, what I'm not all that interested in! c:
In-game: | Forsworn Automaton |
Server: | Mateus (world & server-hopping is fine!) |
Timezone: | CET (although I'm flexible for NA hours!) |
Discord: | Meydri |
⚙ YAY'S!
ㅤlong-term story arcsㅤ varied with slice of life off-shoots. i love a good 'beach episode', don't get me wrong, but i like having an overarching plot to give interactions a direction! for new connections, i tend to suggest a one-off that we can build off of for starters.
ㅤmature themes.ㅤ i'm open to very grim and horror-related rp, and am typically down to have pretty much anything happen to my characters (as long as you're ready to face the consequences). open communication is paramount for the sake of rping heavier themes, and so please speak plainly to make sure we all remain comfortable!
ㅤc o m m u n i c a t i o n.ㅤ please, i beg of you dfyhjfuikso– is a scene or plot taking a direction you're not fond of? did something not feel quite right? on the contrary, is there something you really enjoyed, that you'd like to see more of or do in the future? is work or real life getting dreary, or are you in need of a break from rp to recharge your creative batteries? please, communicate these things!
ㅤconsequential roleplay.ㅤ do stupid shit, win stupid prizes. i like to aim for some kind of realism in my rp, which includes heeding law & order and following appropriate social conduct in public — or by all means, don't! but be ready for the consequences.
ㅤlore-bending,ㅤ not blatant breaking. I'm willing to entertain most ideas, should you be able to sell their logic.
ㅤdming scenesㅤ and roleplaying npcs for the sake of storytelling purposes! dice and all.
ㅤooc friendships!ㅤ i love geeking out about rp, plotlines, nerd culture, memes, you name it! it's half the fun to me! please send me all of your pinterest boards and playlists, I adore chatting about 'em.
ㅤin-game or discord rp.ㅤ i don't mind either, as long as it serves the scene!
ㅤcrimeㅤ & moon shenanigans!
ㅤreal life always comes first.ㅤ that goes for both of us!
⚙ NAY'S...
ㅤlack of communication.ㅤ most issues in life stems from this. just be open and honest, and i promise you it'll work out!
ㅤwol characters.ㅤ i'm sure they're lovely, but I don't see them meshing very well with what I'm looking to do!
ㅤic/ooc bleed.ㅤ this line is absolutely sacred, and i will not tolerate it being blurred. any ic coarseness shown should not be taken personally by you, the player. He can be rather scathing, and it is a trait I'm not looking to censor.
ㅤunderage players or characters.ㅤ for the sake of the themes explored, i require you to be 21+!
ㅤrandom erp & insta-shipping.ㅤ I only really entertain romance plots with trusted friends, and the same goes for any smut. If you're looking for a hookup, this ain't it.
ㅤsudden character death.ㅤ while i'm not entirely opposed to the idea, should it make for a great story, i'm pretty disinclined right now.
ㅤskewed effort.ㅤ i put in a lot of time and care into the rp that i do, whether it is scheduling, doing prepwork, spitballing what comes next, etc. i do it out of excitement and enthusiasm for the relationships and stories i really care about! but that means i expect the same kind of effort from my partners. we are, after all, in it together c:
ㅤfledgling sprouts.ㅤ i'm really sorry, but I sadly don't have the time to help new players navigate FFXIV's lore or rp scene. but i wish you the absolute best of luck! ;w;
people who cannot conduct themselves like adults.


⚙ Dolls & their makers
For a creature supposedly lacking in soul, Veritas carries an ego worthy of five. Proud and self-assured, the confidence displayed in his person is a brittle facade; his identity something he clings to, rather than something self-made.Convinced he is of better design than most of humanity, he holds a particular sore spot surrounding anything close to his making. Whether they are mammets, toys or animated dolls like himself, he's sure to feel conflicted. Torn between a morbid curiosity— a wish to better understand what it means to be what he is— and a deep-rooted scorn towards whatever happens to threaten his frail self-esteem.

⚙ Dissonance, Disconnect
It's a lonely thing, to think yourself above all others. Above frivolous joys, or mortal qualms, for that matter. There's little room for doubt in his heart, and he'd rather not give it a chance to waver, fragile as it is.Despite what his sandpaper tongue might tell you, Veritas quite enjoys going bothered. With no real ties to the world that's seen him forgotten, he struggles to carve out a new life and purpose for himself. While it might take some coaxing, he's rather eager to connect over even the mundane....Or eager to be proven right in that sentimentality does no good for anyone.

⚙ Not Yet A Scholar
A man who prides himself on intelligence, Veritas holds insecurity and curiosity both when it comes to meeting likeminded folks. While eager to rub brain cells, ego tends to prevent the humility needed to learn from another.That said, any scholar is prone to currying favor through the simple act of existing. Especially so, should he prove a point of intrigue. A technological wonder to gawk at, he's usually happy to regale you with all the ways he's superior.

⚙ This heart's not beating
If it doesn't bleed like you, doesn't feel like you... Could it really be considered inhumane to treat it however you wish? While Veritas might consider himself more than human, others may very well consider him less than. Which, in some eyes, would make him fair game for mistreatment.Whether tasked with demeaning or downright dangerous jobs no man's fit to deal with, or subjected to curious cruelty seeing as he cannot die, there is much and more about him to use and abuse for whatever purposes.

⚙ Curious Phenomenons
As a chronicler, Veritas thrives on the strange and forgotten. He'll eagerly barter for information on anything that's yet to go discovered or researched, and would willingly offer to act as an escort to any curious scholar, should it mean he can partake in an otherwise closed off expedition.

⚙ In need of repairs
In the absence of his maker, Veritas' body has begun deteriorating. With a form too old to keep up with everyday wear— now thrown onto deck as a sky pirate— he's bound to be in need of repairs. Any mechanic or engineer with the patience to deal with his fussing may very well gain a new patron — whether paying through gil or other means.
(because I can't help myself)